This is one of the stinkhorns and the fruitbody consists of a stem, atop which there is conical cap that almost hugs the stem. Below the cap there is a mesh-like skirt. This stinkhorn may reach 20 centimetres in height. The cap is ridged and yellow to orange. The stem is white and somewhat spongy. The skirt (or indusium, to use the technical term) is yellowish to orange ( but the colours may be pale). Initially the cap is covered by a brown slime that contains the spores, thereby hiding the cap’s yellow/orange colour. The slime attracts insects which disperse the spores and as the spore slime starts to disappear the cap colour will start to show through. When fresh the skirt hangs out from the stem but may soon collapse against the stem
Phallus indusiatus is very similar - except that the cap and skirt are white. Other species of Phallus lack the skirt.
Phallus multicolor is listed in the following regions:
Evans Head, NSW