Juncus planifolius is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands | South Coast | Greater Sydney | New South Wales North Coast
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Back Creek TSR Batemans Marine Park Ben Boyd National Park Biamanga National Park Black Mountain Block 402 Booderee National Park Boro Bournda Environment Education Centre Bournda National Park Bournda Nature Reserve Coornartha Nature Reserve Dampier State Forest Deua National Park Dharawal National Park Endeavour Reserve (Bombala) Eurobodalla National Park Gulaga National Park Jerrawangala National Park Jervis Bay National Park Meroo National Park Mogo State Forest Monga National Park Monga National Park Mongarlowe River Morton National Park Mount Ainslie MTR591 at Gundaroo Mumbulla State Forest Murramarang National Park Nadgee Nature Reserve Nullica State Forest Rugosa Seven Mile Beach National Park South East Forest National Park Sweeney's TSR Timbillica State Forest Wallum Yambulla State ForestPlaces
Bendoura, NSW Wedderburn, NSW