Pogona barbata
Unidentified Plant
Viola sp.
Cymbopogon refractus
Stephania japonica var. discolor
Landoltia punctata
Unidentified Other Wildflower or Herb
Unidentified Centipede (Chilopoda)
Zenodorus orbiculatus
Unidentified Spider
Unidentified Lichen
Unidentified Lichen, Moss or other Bryophyte
Pyrrosia rupestris
Unidentified Moss, Liverwort or Hornwort
Nephila plumipes
Usnea sp. (genus)
Platycerium bifurcatum
Asplenium australasicum
Heteropoda sp. (genus)
Carlia vivax
Andropogon virginicus
Lepidosperma laterale
Boletellus sp.
Unidentified Fern or Clubmoss
Lichen - crustose
Unidentified Climber or Mistletoe
Chlorophyllum/Macrolepiota sp.
Causonis clematidea
Geitonoplesium cymosum
Unidentified Cup or disk - with no 'eggs'
Smilax australis
Davallia solida var. pyxidata
Cyperus sp.
Schizophyllum commune
Unidentified Fungus
Unidentified Bird
Gahnia aspera
Unidentified Grass
Mictis caja
Themeda triandra
Lomandra longifolia
Unidentified Millipede (Diplopoda)
Unidentified Insect
Unidentified Mite and Tick (Acarina)
Austracris proxima
Tabanidae (family)
Asilinae sp. (subfamily)
Epilachna sp. (genus)
Epilachna sumbana
Simosyrphus grandicornis
Amata nigriceps
Unidentified Skink
Unidentified Hover fly (Syrphidae)
Helpis sp. (genus)
Badumna sp. (genus)
Lepidosperma sp.
Oxyopes sp. (genus)
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